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Rear engine mount Rear engine mount, only manual.
€ 65,00 € 45,00
Exhaust bracket front muffler
€ 18,00
Solex 35/35 carb See pictures and check if this is the one you need. For…
€ 85,00
Solex 35/35 Carb See pictures and check if this is the one you need. For 2.3…
€ 85,00
SOLD: Solex 32/32 carb See pictures and check if this is the one you need. Think it…
€ 65,00
Heater radiator Heater radiator.
€ 65,00
Heater motor Sofica 6V 6V Blower Motor Sofica. Tested and woking,
€ 85,00
Rear axle wheel bearing Rear axle wheel bearing, only one available
€ 69,00
Voltage regulator 6V Voltage regulator 6V, for instrument panel.
€ 25,00
Turn indicator knob
€ 15,00
Rubber between bumper and body Rubber between bumper and body, price is per piece. Only…
€ 15,00
Window handle, hurray found one with good chrome! Window handle with good chrome, which is as seldom as a…
€ 19,00
Intstrument light cluster Instrumnet light cluster, with bright still good colors.…
€ 19,00
City light connector City light connector.
€ 14,50
Querlenker front axle - track control arm Querlenker front axle, original. Very good, as good as new…
€ 65,00
Kick panels, set. Set of kickpanels, left and right. Very reasonable…
€ 45,00
Steering rack Steering rack. Fits P5 and P7 without power steering.
€ 145,00
Steering rack Steering rack. Fits P5 and P7 without power steering.
€ 145,00
Abarth muffler Original Abarth muffler. There is some welding to make it…
€ 50,00
Solex 32 EEIT Very good Solex 32 EEIT carb, looks almost new.
€ 175,00
Adapter plate to mount carb I have different ones so choose which one you need. Bolt…
€ 45,00
Waterpump cover V6 Very good.
€ 44,00
Waterpump V6 engine Waterpumo V6 engine, good.
€ 57,00
Chrome motor mounts! Steal the show with these chrome motormounts for V6 engine/
€ 45,00

We are parting out this '66 Hardtop to finance the rebuild of our P5 dragracer. Part not found in the webshop Emal me at: